This Doctor Who miniature was made by FASA in the 80's to go along with their Doctor Who RPG. The minis were licensed to RAFM in the U.S. and Citadel in the U.K. They made miniatures of the first five doctors, and they are all primed and ready to go on my desk, so expect to see the rest of them in the near future. I got these as a kid and was always afraid to paint them, for fear of not doing them justice.
I'm not sure why they gave him so many rings. I only remember him wearing the blue one. Unfortunately in this picture the two on his left hand kind of look like warts or something. They look better in real life but maybe I should use an actual metallic paint on them. I used grey mainly because I didn't want them to stand out too much.
The Asgard Giant Tick has some great texture on it but it really is kind of a lump of lead. Like a deer tick, it has no eyes. That being said, I think a giant tick would be one of the scariest monsters to run into, what with it's hideous appearance and blood-sucking abilities. As far as I know the only other Giant Ticks available are the ones from Otherworld which do look pretty great.
In other related news, I got a copy of the Journal of the OSFMapa that I mentioned in my last post. It was a really fun read and I learned some things about old school miniatures that I was previously unaware of. Again I encourage you to join us so you can get a copy of the next issue! Email Scott at oldschoolfantasy (at) gmail (dot) com for more info.