Sunday, March 31, 2019

Rose Tyler - Doctor Who Miniatures

This month I have two miniatures meant to represent Rose Tyler (played by Billie Piper) from Doctor Who. 

First is Warlord Games' Rose Tyler from the Tenth Doctor and Companions set

The likeness on this sculpt is excellent, but like other figures in the line the lack of exaggeration makes the faces really difficult to paint.  I left out some of the clothing details but based my color choices on this picture:

I also happened to have Crooked Dice's (no longer available for obvious reasons) Daisy Taylor figure, which is obviously based on Rose as well.  So I went ahead and painted her up at the same time.

The likeness is not nearly as good, but the deeper details on the face made it much easier to paint.  I decided that rather than have two figures with exactly the same clothes, I would base her colors on the outfit seen below.

If you've been paying attention, you'll know that I have one more companion to paint from this set, so that will likely be my next post.  I've got a lot of other figures, Doctor Who-related and not-related, that I am itching to paint, so stay tuned!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Female Soviet Super Soldier

Just a quick Heroclix repaint this month.  I took a Heroclix figure of Marvel Comics' Mankiller and painted her to look like a cheesy 1980s-era Soviet super soldier type of character.

Here is a stock photo of what it looked like before the repaint.

 Hopefully my next post will be of some of the Doctor Who minis that are currently primed and covering my painting table right now.  Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Wilfred Mott - Doctor Who Miniatures

Back to Doctor Who miniatures this month, with Wilfred Mott, Donna's grandfather and a very endearing character from the show.

I'm relatively happy with my work on this one, although I find the faces on this line of figures difficult to paint for some reason that I can't quite put my finger on.

I'm glad to be able to find time to get back to painting again and promise there is more to come.  Stay tuned.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Tanks: Modern Age Starter Set

Hey! This blog is not dead, it was just sleeping for a bit.  Hoping to paint lots more minis in the new year.

Anyway... I picked up the Tanks: Modern Age Starter Set and while I have yet to play the game, I couldn't resist building and painting the three 1/100 scale tanks that it comes with right away.  I've never been into historical gaming (this game is actually an alternate history "cold war turned hot" setting)  or military-fetishism, but I love tanks.  I just think they look cool.  It's that simple.

These are the first tanks I have ever painted.

Two Soviet T-64s:

And an M1 Abrams:

I'm actually really happy with how these turned out.  I wasn't sure how the camouflage was going to look, but I think it turned out pretty decent.  I can't wait to play the game now.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have more Doctor Who figures and some random weirdness primed and ready to go.  Hopefully, I will stop neglecting them and will be back with another post soon.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Donna Noble miniature

Was hoping to get more done this month, but at least I can share one finished miniature: Doctor Who's companion, Donna Noble from Warlord Games' 38mm range of figures.

Sadly that's all for now, but stay tuned for more Doctor Who companions, vintage figs, and other weird stuff that I have primed and ready to go on my painting table.

Monday, July 16, 2018

10th Doctor x3 and K-9

Does any man need three miniature versions of the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who?  No.  But somehow I ended up with three and got the bright idea to just paint them all up at once.

A while back I purchased Heresy's "Dr. Hugh," a 28-32mm "not"-version of David Tennant as the Doctor. (No longer available there as far as I can tell.)  I like the body of this figure but the face is slightly exaggerated.  He fits in nicely with my classic Doctors though.

Warlord Games has two official versions of the 10th Doctor currently available at approximately 38mm scale.  This one is resin and was originally created for Gale Force 9's board game but is now available in a pack with the first and fourth doctor.  This figure is ok but the face is rough and not a good likeness in my opinion.  (I can't bring myself to show a pic of it straight on.)

The best of the three in my opinion is this one, cast in metal, from Warlord Games' "Tenth Doctor & Companions" pack.  The pose is pretty static but overall it is a very nice figure and a great likeness.  I tried to do it justice.  (Somehow the photo makes his eyebrows look more intense than they do in reality.)

Finally, I also painted everyone's favorite robot dog, K-9.  Great figure and I'm pretty happy with how he turned out.  (Also from Warlord Games but as a promotional figure)

That's it for now.  I have more Doctor Who-related stuff to paint: companions, Sea Devils, Zygons, etc. but a bunch of other stuff is on my table as well, so stay tuned.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Large Olmec Head and Living Brain

A couple of quick things for this post:  First is a resin terrain piece.  This is Acheson Creations' Large Olmec Head

It was fun and quick to paint up and I think it will look great with some tropical terrain.  I don't really have a specific gaming use for it, I just thought it was cool, and will find an excuse to use it at some point.

My other super quick piece is a re-based Heroclix figure of the Living Brain.  I threw a wash on it and did some highlighting, and thought it looked kinda cool for a funky retro robot.  Even though I am a huge comic book nerd, I know very little about the character this figure is based on.  Just a fun miniature.

More stuff in the works, stay tuned.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Grenadier Armoured Warrior

May was very busy for me and I missed my monthly post, but I hope to make up for it this month.

For some reason I had an itch to paint some sort of classic fantasy knight, and I ended up going with Grenadier's #8130 Armoured Warrior from Julie Guthrie's Fantasy Personalities II line. 

I'm fairly happy with him, although he is a bit dark.  This may be due to the fact that I primed him grey and not my usual white prime.  I really like Julie Guthrie's work for Grenadier.  Great line of figures in my opinion.

I struggled with the freehand on the shield.  I wanted it to look hand painted on wood, and I guess I achieved that, but it was tough painting on such a small surface.  I've always been impressed by other painters' ability to paint amazing little shields and banners, but I usually avoid it myself.

In my imagination he'll be part of an army with green, white, and brown heraldry, but in reality I am unlikely to fulfill that project, at least any time soon.  There are plenty of other things filling up my painting queue though, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Terror of Shindig Sandbar

This month I bring you the Terror of Shindig Sandbar, a miniature I got from Roebeast several years ago, and just got around to painting.

This figure painted up quickly and was all-around a lot of fun to do.

He's an homage to the monster from Horror Of Party Beach, which I don't believe I've ever seen, despite the fact that I love old horror movies.  I'll have to check it out at some point.

I've got more Doctor Who related minis and an old school Grenadier figure on deck.  Stay Tuned.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Time War Daleks

Ready to do battle with my Cybermen, now that I have painted these Daleks.

These are the bronze and gold, Time War style Daleks.

I painted two of them in the black "Patrol Leader" color scheme as well.

I have a few dalek figures left that I'm going to paint in a more classic color scheme, but that's probably not what I'll be sharing next.  Stay tuned.